Bibliography sample

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Billoski, T.V., Debate over nemesis theory grows 1997, 77, 5-6, Science, Journal Article, Record Number:49
Billoski, T.V., Debate II 1993, 77, 5-6, Science,
Abstract :
Amino acid analyses from dinosaur eggshells collected from excavations in the Upper Cretaceous Pingling Formation of the Nanxiong Basin, South China suggest that drastic environmental change affect the reproductive process of dinosaurs adversly, contributing to a possible cause of dinosaur extinction.
Journal Article, Record Number:48
Billoski, T.V., A stochastic model of the predator-prey ratio in late jurassic Asia 1988, 8, 19-20, Paleontology, Journal Article, Record Number:47
Billoski, T.V., Triceratops extinction linked to asteroid collision 1987, 79, (7), 75-76, Science, Journal Article, Record Number:46
Billoski, T.V., Introduction to Paleontology Institutional Press, 1992, ISBN/ISSN :0999527849
New York, 6th, 212,
Abstract :
Introductory text book for college-level students exploring the latest scientific discoveries, disputed theories of dinosaur extinction, and newest excavation, dating, and DNA restructuring techniques.

Notes :
has good color photos
Book, Record Number:6

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