Tree :

 Faceted index, by topics :

V5 (46)
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V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      5. Reference
          5.13. Options
              5.13.2. Document options Generated pages files suffix 

The default suffix is ".html".

You may choose another suffix, for all WIT generated pages.

Suffix change is mandatory for server side interpreted scripts languages such as PHP, ASP or JSP :

 PHP (Personal Home Pages) : .php suffix,

 ASP (Active Server Pages) : .asp suffix,

 JSP (Java Server Pages) : .jsp suffix.

Note : this function is available in Expert Mode only.

Note : this option is also a general WIT option : in this case, it is interpreted as a default value for all new documents.

Keywords :  Asp ; Expert mode ; Java ; Php ; Task