Tree :

 Faceted index, by topics :

V5 (46)
V5.01 (21)
V5.10 (15)
V5.20 (32)
V5.30 (16)
V5.31 (1)
V5.32 (4)
V5.33 (16)
V5.34 (7)
V5.35 (2)
V5.40 (27)
V5.41 (7)
V5.42 (4)
V5.43 (6)
V5.50 (1)
V5.60 (1)
V5.61 (2)
V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      7. FAQ
          7.3. Text editing and images
 7.3.11. FAQ : Create a photo album 

Photo albums creation is very easy :

 Automatically import folders content with the "Ideas / Import folder" menu :

  • Keep only image file suffixes
  • Eventually check the "Recurse through subfolders" option
  • Check the "Make album" option : WIT will also create thumbnails and treat any image as a separate idea.

You can also do it manually, and locally :

 Automatically import images from a folder ("Ideas / Import images" menu ).

 Create a thumbnails table with the idea sub tree including the imported images ("Ideas / Build thumbnails" menu ).

Keywords :  Album (images) ; FAQ ; Thumbnails
Start date2007/03/03
Percent finished100 %
Effective end date2007/03/03