Version: 2019 (5.71)
System requirements :
 Windows 10, Windows 8, 7, Windows Server 2012, 2008 and 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and NT4.
 Any computer capable to load Windows™ successfully
Licensing :
Personal :
24.99 € (US$ 28.60) Buy now
Professional :
199 € (US$ 228.00) Buy now
Unlimited upgrades for licensed users !

Release 2.01 (2002/09/08)
- New : Choose whether links to URLs open new target or use the current window (preferences menu).
- New : Choose whether links to DOCs open new target or use the current window (preferences menu).
- New : META TAG "author" added (set in preferences menu (professional license)).
- New : META TAG "copyright" added (set in preferences menu (professional license)).
- Change : Header and footer edit window now fits in 640x480 screens.
- Change : Removed 'letter-spacing' property in default CSS styles (incorrect with Mozilla/Netscape)
- Minor : Changed default templates for new documents.
- Minor : Translated some remaining French messages for the English mode.
- Minor : Added a "Hints.wit" file in the document samples.
- Minor : While associating a list of ideas, the order of ideas is kept in association list.
- Minor : Last used file not automatically loaded any more at startup.