Version: 2019 (5.71)
System requirements :
 Windows 10, Windows 8, 7, Windows Server 2012, 2008 and 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and NT4.
 Any computer capable to load Windows™ successfully
Licensing :
Personal :
24.99 € (US$ 28.60) Buy now
Professional :
199 € (US$ 228.00) Buy now
Unlimited upgrades for licensed users !

Release 5.10 (2007/09/23)
Data import / export
Ideas management
WYSIWYG editing
Graphical User Interface
- Idea property dialog is now resizable, with its internal tabs.
- Searched text is highlighted in the "Preview view" in and in the WYSIWYG editor, with distinct colors per criterion.
Fixed Bugs
- Links cannot be any more established accross paragraphs or tables (recommendation of W3C).
- Replacement of accidental \ characters by / in some links.
- Fix of an infinite loop when Ctrl + Shift + E key was repeatedly pressed while WIT was building indexes.
- Fix of a problem while copying text + images between ideas.
- In the keywords manager, keyword counter was not updated after keyword deletion.
- Fix a compatibility problem with some Japanese characters in the HTML code editor.
- Images were not properly captured when pasting from Mozilla/Firefox browsers.
- Including by default the Microsoft DhtmlEd.msi component in WIT package for Microsoft Windows Vista.
- Deleting useless line breaks in the CSS rules editor.