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 How to insert these widgets?

      7. FAQ
          7.7. Site building
 7.7.6. FAQ : What files to upload by FTP ? 

I uploaded my WIT project (the *.wit file) on the server and there is no Web site.

First, don't mix up the original WIT document (*.wit file) with its resources (eg the images you refer to), and the generated web site.

Ideally, the WIT document is located in a sub directory of the WIT "Project" directory, and the resources may be anywhere on the disk.

The generated Web site is located in a special directory that you choose at generation time. Let's say "C:\webgen", for example. (It's better not to generate the Web site right into the project sub directory, so the source files and the generated ones remain separate).

The only files you have to upload are the generated ones (the "C:\webgen" contents). They **are** the Web site and their layout must be kept while uploading.
In "C:\webgen" you have the site main pages and styles,
in "C:\webgen\text" the generated pages,
and in "C:\webgen\wit-icons", copies of your original source images.

C:\webgen is expandable since all its contents are either generated or copied. You may delete it whenever you want, and regenerate the site with WIT.

Your WIT project directory and its data (*.wit, source images...) are precious. Keep them safe, but there's no need to upload them.

While uploading "C:\webgen", you should keep the original file structure (don't move the files or web site links will be broken) :
- files in the C:\webgen dir will go in the site root (/),
- files in C:\webgen\text dir will go in /text dir,
- and those in C:\webgen\wit-icons will go in /wit-icons dir.

Keywords :  FAQ ; Upload ; Web site generation