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 How to insert these widgets?

      7. FAQ
          7.9. Known problems
 7.9.3. Background image is not properly displayed (CSS background-image property) 

CSS background-image is correctly managed by WIT. However, the image file that is specified by the URL is not automaticaly copied by WIT (because it is not identified as a resource).

Three solutions (the first is recommended) :

 Copy the image in the "extra" sudbirectory of document save directory, and check that in the CSS rule, the URL looks like "../extra/image.jpg".

 Use this image in at least one idea (in the "links" tab of idea property dialog box) : it will be so copied with other images in the icons sub directory of site root. Check that the URL looks like "../wit-icons/image.jpg".

 Or, manually copy the image in the icons sub directory of web site root. Check that the URL looks like "../wit-icons/image.jpg".

In all cases use relative URLs.

See also :