Tree :

 Faceted index, by topics :

V5 (46)
V5.01 (21)
V5.10 (15)
V5.20 (32)
V5.30 (16)
V5.31 (1)
V5.32 (4)
V5.33 (16)
V5.34 (7)
V5.35 (2)
V5.40 (27)
V5.41 (7)
V5.42 (4)
V5.43 (6)
V5.50 (1)
V5.60 (1)
V5.61 (2)
V5.70 (9)
V5.71 (4)
 How to insert these widgets?

      7. FAQ
          7.7. Site building
 7.7.4. FAQ : Modifying site default home page and frames 

To define custom HTML pages for the home page and the pages located in the optional frames, use the structure template option "Prepared Html file" in the "General" tab of its dialog box (expert mode), and select the pathname to the page.

By default, WIT has minimum files, located in _DATADIR _\Templates".